Combining a primary school with a large number of socio-cultural and recreational facilities, this Vensterschool (venster means window) represents an experimental school type that besides education provides upbringing-enhancing and after-school support by means of an 'extended school day'.
The Vensterschool sits in a green zone of sports fields and a cemetery between the Groningen districts of Paddepoel, Selwerd and Tuinwijk. An existing swimming pool and sports hall have been integrated among new-build containing a toddlers' playroom, a créche, a 16-class primary school, after-school support, a public library, a community centre and a home-help service. Abutting the complex, in a move proposed by Atelier Pro, are nine freehold housing units built there to ensure safe use of the cycling and walking route along the new local facilities.
The complex is set up and given shape in such a way that all of its functions get their own identity and quality within the overall picture. Although all components link arms internally the school has only one specifically communal space. This is the so-called Vensterplein (venster square), a multi-functional hall set in the centre of the complex containing among other things a community kiosk and an open café. Aside from this square the various components of the complex regularly make use of each others' facilities.
The school has two 'collective' main entrances that give onto Vensterplein. In addition the primary school, the playroom and the swimming pool each have their own entrance. In front of the existing sports hall on the side to the road (Eikenlaan) is a large facade screen cum billboard informing the passing traffic of what lies behind.
awards and nominations
- Design Share Honor Award 2002