Lecture Mira van Beek at the Sustainable & Healthy Schools congress

On Wednesday 9 November, Mira van Beek will deliver a lecture with the title “Air, Light, Views…But really?” at the Sustainable & Healthy Schools conference in Zwolle.

On paper, the accumulating demands from the Building Decree and the PVE Frisse Scholen should result in a healthy and pleasant learning environment, but is this true in real life?

In her lecture, Mira van Beek will share her vision on what constitutes a healthy indoor climate for schools. Case studies illustrate her architectural search for a good balance between air, light and views. Building on a previous dialogue with structural engineering firm ZRi and the subsequent article on Smart Design in the Schooldomein of October 2022, she explores the question “Can we design smarter?”, and looks at the way clients can influence the end results by asking the right questions to the right consultants. She wants to demonstrate how, by dealing smartly with the task at hand, you can achieve a design that is practical, pleasant but also sustainable and beautiful - but that, in doing so, you have to be open to inventive solutions, such as integrating greenery into the design.

For more information: www.duurzamegezondescholencongres.nl